Jesus Youth – Canada

March For Life

March for Life is an event organized by the Campaign Life Coalition every year. This was 26th Year of the event. Jesus Youth heeded to the need for supporting life and voice against the culture of death.We had in the past participated in this event. This year we resolved to send more people to the event -Families, Young adults, Teens, Elders and Children. We were able to send a 56-seater bus with 50 participants to Ottawa.Bus journey was a great time of bonding. Fruits were forming new friendships and fruitful interaction between people of various life stages.

We were privileged to be joined by Fr Reji from Montreal and Sr Maria from Toronto. We reached Ottawa at 12 pm and Lunch at St Patrick’s cathedral following which we proceeded to the March. We were also joined by Jesus youth who came by Car from Toronto and Montreal. In total there were 80+Jesus Youth. We walked with Thousands of people including Religious,  Youths, families and little children, reciting Rosary and joining the crowd with Slogans. It was great witnessing for all the little children and their parents who joined us.