Jesus Youth – Canada

World Youth Day – 2023

Over 60 Jesus Youth pilgrims from different parts of Canada journeyed together to Portugal in July and August of 2023 for an international gathering of Catholic youth.This World Youth Day (WYD) had over 1 million pilgrims in attendance, and many encountered Christ or their faith in a completely new way! Some of our Canadian Jesus Youth pilgrims embarked on a journey across Europe, where they visited major shrines and holy sites including the Vatican, Assisi, Padua, Medjugorje, Lourdes, and Fatima. Additionally, a few others decided to partake in the 112 km walk along the journey of St. James, also known as the Camino, in Spain after WYD. During our 10-day stay in Portugal, we had the chance to meet Jesus Youth and other Catholic Youth from various countries. It provided us with opportunities to deepen our bond through fellowship and engaging discussions.

Many Jesus Youth across Canada are looking forward to World Youth Day 2027 in Seoul, South Korea.